The Hockey Volunteer

Thank you for your support of "The Hockey Volunteer"TM. This initiative has now become THE HOCKEY FOUNDATION. Please visit and support "sharing happiness & changing lives, one puck at a time."

This blog can also been found on that site.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Technology Issues

There have been a number of factors that have hindered my timeliness for posting, among which is major telecommunication issues in Ladakh, and major computer issues for me (separately).  I am doing my best to get what I write posted, as well as upload photos and videos.  I have begun posting raw videos from the beginning of my trip on YouTube (link coming soon, as I want to build up a bit of a library).

I will continue to fight through my technology issues (including a stolen iPod, failing computer hardware, lack of internet/slow internet when I connect), but please bear with me.

Thanks for your understanding!

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Listen to my broadcast from  Saturday, 1/10 with the guys from Hockey Night on Long Island: 
Listen to Hockey Night on Long Island on internet talk radio

Special thanks to the Allan and Rolly at Nasty Hockey Show for being strong advocates for this program, and putting together this broadcast. Please check it out!
Awesome quote from their website: "I’ll match your contributions up to a total of $200. Just leave a comment on this blog with what you have donated."
Thank you guys!
Special thanks to Sarah Elizabeth Foster of for doing this interview, supporting the cause, and donating! (NOTE: I mention in the video I'll be leaving by the New Year. My departure date is now set at 1/12/09!)